Dragon Ball: Raging Blast is a 3D fighting game featuring over 70 Dragon Ball Z characters.
Featuring stunning HD graphics and audio, destructible environments and enhanced character features, Dragon Ball: Raging Blast takes players far beyond the realms of the original anime series. Interactive and destructible environments bring a new layer of intensity to the battle stages featured in Dragon Ball: Raging Blast. Smash opponents into rocks to increase their damage count and gain the upper hand in battles. Featuring the series’ trademark combat style, the game hosts a variety of the most popular characters taken from the series, all of which have enhanced features such as facial expressions for a deeper level of immersion into the Dragon Ball universe.
Note : This Game is wave 4.Megashareshttp://42758.oneddl.canhaz.it/http://42759.oneddl.canhaz.it/Rapidshare (1.5gb Links – Premium Users Only)http://42760.oneddl.canhaz.it/http://42761.oneddl.canhaz.it/http://42762.oneddl.canhaz.it/http://42763.oneddl.canhaz.it/http://42764.oneddl.canhaz.it/http://42765.oneddl.canhaz.it/View the full article