Can someone please explain to me why Research in Motion is releasing brand new BlackBerry devices that run BlackBerry operating systems less than BlackBerry 6? Devices like the BlackBerry Pearl 3G and Curve 3G say that they are BlackBerry 6 Ready, but, run new builds of BB OS 5 out of the box.
I understand that devices that came out before BlackBerry 6 like the BlackBerry Bold 9650 need to be BlackBerry 6 Ready, but, why put an old deprecated OS on a device released over a month after the debut of your next generation operating system? The BlackBerry Curve 3G 9330 was just officially announced today, so, why isn’t it coming with BlackBerry 6 installed, as compared to just being BlackBerry 6 ready?
Why Is RIM Releasing New BlackBerry Devices With Old BlackBerry Operating Systems? is a post from: RIMarkable
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